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We will make your pet happy

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Meet our team




Pet Foods Leader


Pet Care & Protection
About us

We keep them happy

Gorgeous Morkie puppies ready for his new homes August 02/23. Home-raised with tender loving care and socialization. Sweet, loving & of course, beautiful! great playmate and friend! Easily trained to puppy pads. They love to run and play, and they’re always up for a game of fetch or chase. But despite their energy, they’re also content to cuddle and curl up on your lap. We are a family-owned and operated breeding family dedicated to providing healthy, happy family pets for you. First round of required shots and health certificate. Born June 2nd available to put under contract.

Deposit required of $250.00 total price $1750.00 includes puppy packet; includes blanket, collar, teether, toys & food. Ready for pick up on 8/2/23.


His name is Oreo, and he is very intelligent he was house trained in a week.
Always had free range of my home.
I take him with me most of the time we went to the Keys for 10 days. He was at the beach every day and went to eat with me. He swims with me in the ocean.
I have 2 grandchildren he plays with all the time.
I also have many friends with dogs, and they play well together.

I Love my Oreo.


Jolene is loving her life. She is so intelligent and easy to train. She goes to potty outside, knows to sit, stay, come and etc.

Walks well on a leash, loves her kennel and play pen too. She’s travel 1600+ miles so far and fits perfectly with our lifestyle. We love her <3

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